For the Love of Chili – Chili Season is here!
Sign your team up to compete or come to sample! There is no charge to attend and taste.
Saturday, February 15th from 12:00pm – 4:00pm under the SpindleTap Pavilion
Set-up for contestants is 8 – 8:30am. Chili must be ready to sample by 12pm.
Registration is $30/team (This is for the entire team. There is no team size limit.)
Chili Quantities
Teams are asked to prepare 4-5 gallons of chili for the Cook-Off. Please ensure that your booth can adequately provide samples throughout the duration of the event. Samples will be served in 3.25 oz. Sampling cups and spoons provided by SpindleTap Brewery. Teams wishing to compete in the People’s Choice Chili competition are encouraged to provide larger quantities of chili in order to serve more patrons. Remember that prepping more chili gives an opportunity to elicit more people’s choice votes!
Teams are asked to prepare 4-5 gallons of chili for the Cook-Off. Please ensure that your booth can adequately provide samples throughout the duration of the event. Samples will be served in 3.25 oz. Sampling cups and spoons provided by SpindleTap Brewery. Teams wishing to compete in the People’s Choice Chili competition are encouraged to provide larger quantities of chili in order to serve more patrons. Remember that prepping more chili gives an opportunity to elicit more people’s choice votes!
You will receive your booth location upon arrival at the cook-off. These are assigned the day of the event in no particular order.
You will need to provide your own tent and tables for your booth space. Please arrive between 8 – 8:30am for check-in. Signage for the booth is the team’s responsibility (Not required). Vinyl or paper signs may be hung at the front top of the booth. Booth space is 10’ x 10’. All decorations must be removed by the team at the conclusion of the event. Items left behind will be thrown away.
You will receive your booth location upon arrival at the cook-off. These are assigned the day of the event in no particular order.
You will need to provide your own tent and tables for your booth space. Please arrive between 8 – 8:30am for check-in. Signage for the booth is the team’s responsibility (Not required). Vinyl or paper signs may be hung at the front top of the booth. Booth space is 10’ x 10’. All decorations must be removed by the team at the conclusion of the event. Items left behind will be thrown away.
Chili Ingredients
Chili must:
a. be cooked on site the day of the cookoff
b. be prepared from scratch (no commercial chili mixes)
c. contain no fillers (beans, macaroni, rice, hominy, etc.)
d. be prepared in as sanitary a manner as possible
e. be prepared in the open (no motorhomes, closed tents, etc.)
Chili must:
a. be cooked on site the day of the cookoff
b. be prepared from scratch (no commercial chili mixes)
c. contain no fillers (beans, macaroni, rice, hominy, etc.)
d. be prepared in as sanitary a manner as possible
e. be prepared in the open (no motorhomes, closed tents, etc.)
Teams are invited to submit their best tasting chili using only safe and edible ingredients. Chili must be cooked thoroughly PRIOR to the start of the event at 12pm.
Chili Cooking/Heating Equipment
Teams are responsible for supplying all of their own equipment, including: a working food thermometer, propane cook stoves or sterno fuel/chafing dishes , serving utensils (long handled but small bowled ladles), pots, etc., Plastic gloves for food servers, hot pads, small hand towels, a flat dish or basket to hold clean tasting spoons and any other kitchen equipment needed.
Teams are responsible for supplying all of their own equipment, including: a working food thermometer, propane cook stoves or sterno fuel/chafing dishes , serving utensils (long handled but small bowled ladles), pots, etc., Plastic gloves for food servers, hot pads, small hand towels, a flat dish or basket to hold clean tasting spoons and any other kitchen equipment needed.
Chili Submission
Chili will be submitted to the judges between 1:00 and 1:30p.m. Your judging cup must be filled 3/4 full. Do not bring your sample to the judging area. A SpindleTap representative will collect your judge’s cup and provide your sample to the judges.
Award Categories:
Panel Judging –
During the event, each team will be asked to provide one sample of their chili for the judges. The judges will be asked to select the best tasting chili from all the entries. Each chili will be judged based on the following criteria on a 5 point scale:
1. Color – Chili should look appetizing. A reddish brown appearance is generally traditional and expected.
2. Aroma – Chili should smell good. This also indicates what is in store when you taste it.
3. Consistency – Chili must have a good ratio between sauce and meat. It should not be dry, watery, grainy, lumpy, or greasy.
4. Taste – Taste, above all else, is the most important factor. The taste should consist of the combination of the meat, spices, etc. with no particular dominant ingredient.
5. Aftertaste – The aftertaste, or bite, is the heat created by the various types of spices and/or peppers.
Panel Judging –
During the event, each team will be asked to provide one sample of their chili for the judges. The judges will be asked to select the best tasting chili from all the entries. Each chili will be judged based on the following criteria on a 5 point scale:
1. Color – Chili should look appetizing. A reddish brown appearance is generally traditional and expected.
2. Aroma – Chili should smell good. This also indicates what is in store when you taste it.
3. Consistency – Chili must have a good ratio between sauce and meat. It should not be dry, watery, grainy, lumpy, or greasy.
4. Taste – Taste, above all else, is the most important factor. The taste should consist of the combination of the meat, spices, etc. with no particular dominant ingredient.
5. Aftertaste – The aftertaste, or bite, is the heat created by the various types of spices and/or peppers.
People’s Choice Award –
There will be a ballot table for people to vote on which team’s chili they like most We will tally votes and determine a winner based on who has the most.
There will be a ballot table for people to vote on which team’s chili they like most We will tally votes and determine a winner based on who has the most.